Saturday, September 21, 2019

Qur'an 20190922

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

93.  "Or you have a house adorned with gold, or you mount a ladder right into the skies.  No, we shall not believe in your mounting until you send down to us a book that we can read."  Say, "Glory to my Lord!  Am I aught but a man, a messenger?"

94.  What kept humans from belief when guidance came to them was nothing but this: they said, "Has Allah sent a man to be messenger?"

95.  Say, "If there were settled on earth angels walking about in peace and quiet, God should certainly have sent them down from the heavens an angel for a messenger."

96.  Say, "Enough is Allah for a Witness between me and you, for God is Well-acquainted with God's servants, and God sees."

The Night Journey 17:93-96

Bamboo shoots sauerkraut

Hi Erin!  How are you doing, Honey?  Are you coping well with big business?  You should be used to it by now.  Keep your precious heart nice and relaxed, and your body healthy.  I love you, OK!  I'm just chillin' here, and listening to Covet.  I have my nights free while I'm waiting to replace my Internet computer.  Maybe I will watch a movie or play a game.

You don't have German blood in you, do you?  I love hot dogs cooked in sauerkraut.  The stuff in cans are overpriced if available.  That much for pickled cabbage?  Forget it!  However, making it myself is a hassle, because of the space it consumes in my cooler.  So I make my sauerkraut out of bamboo shoots.  I get bamboo shoots sporadically whenever the plant gives it to me, I don't like it fresh because it's too bitter, so I soak it in salt water and the end result is that it tastes just like sauerkraut.  But cutting it into fine strands is tedious, so yesterday I put the lot into the blender.  It came out looking like relish, which is workable I think.  Tortillas are cheaper than rice and generate less trash, so dinner was hot dogs with sautéed onions and potatoes topped with bamboo shoots sauerkraut wrapped in tortillas.  Wanna try one?

Ow!  Typing on this tiny device hurts my left shoulder!