Monday, June 29, 2020

Cat chaos

Ah Natty!  Back to the beach!  I'm happy to see that you're working.  You must enjoy being back at the tropical paradise again.  It does look nice and clean over there.  The models look well-chosen!  I hope you are feeling great and enjoying yourself.

I woke up at 4 am as usual, but to surprise in the kitchen.  The kittens have learned that food comes wrapped in plastic, and that gnawing at that plastic breaks it open and the food spills out.  These kittens were born to mice probably!  I had a fresh bag of rice sitting on the cooler, and woke up to the kittens chowing down on and in a mess of raw rice.  So I had to clean that up at 4 am, and clean up poop mixed with raw rice at 4 pm.  The kittens are growing up and getting bigger, and getting into more mischief as kittens do.  I'm glad they are happy.  I had to hide all food packages in the drawer.  I took Bro outside to ready him for a male cat's destiny.  He's still so cute and fluffy, it's a shame he's going to grow into an ugly tomcat.  Yeah, I've seen his father.  An ugly white tomcat up the road.  Here are some snapshots of his day outside.  That's such a fluffy tail!  That black cat is my brother's cat.  She's just here to poop on my porch.