Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150318

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Erin, I saw that Valentine's Day thingy you did for the swimsuit 2015.  I kind of got the sensation that you were displeased with me?  If it's because I don't acknowledge Valentine's Day, then I ask you to forgive me.  It is most certainly because I refuse to join partners with Allah, and if you believe such a reason is trivial, to me it is most serious.  I have to live a spiritual life for Allah: I have no choice in that matter.  Let's just say that I have chosen my camp, and I intend to die there.  I have been doing so for decades already, it is my reality, and it is the reality of us, of how we came to be in love.  If God had not made you love me, you wouldn't have given me a second thought!  You are my wife inshaAllah, and you will have to live this reality with me.

Or perhaps I misread you.  Perhaps you have something else crossing your heart.  I sincerely love you everyday, but I won't celebrate Valentine's Day.  I'm not trying to change you in this matter, I'm trying to not change me.  So please forgive me, whatever it is.  I can be clueless too.  I love you, and I need you.

Do you like squid?  I made some squid in marinara sauce and lime juice, and cooked up two big, fat tortillas.  One for you, and one for me.