Sunday, October 25, 2020


 Natty, I'm more than happy that you are having fun!  I guess you are still in LA, and that's fine as long as you keep yourself safe and healthy.  That's a nice clean street too, but I'll bet the scenery changes at the end of that street.  You like being popular, huh?  Just don't forget who you are: you are MY girl, and I love you.  I will marry you, inshaAllah.  I'll have to admit that it's all the same to me, because I don't really enjoy socializing.  Popular or unpopular, they're both the same to me.  Anyway, please don't party.  LA is a party town, and partying is very dangerous.  And just because you don't go to parties, being popular means the parties follow you.  The same rule applies: DON'T PARTY.  All it takes is ONE mistake, and the Public Eye wants you to make that mistake so they can be entertained.

I made fried flat noodles for dinner tonight.  Below is a stock photo of the stuff, I made mine with chicken.  It's a different dining experience from the fried noodles I made last night, and a different flavor.  And today, I ate the whole wok.  It's less filling than the other stuff, Honey.  Did you want some?