Sunday, April 29, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120430

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

It is no wonder who in the world is listening.  To this music, and to the call to God.  For me, I only hope that they will be guided to Allah, and that Allah will reward me, for Allah is the Best to give reward.  But we can't change people who are stuck in their ways.  We can't force the blind to see, nor can we force the deaf to hear.  The only people who will listen are the ones who already believe in the Signs of God, and submit.  But that's OK, don't you agree?  We don't really care about people who don't really care, right?  So please patiently persevere, and don't let them shake your firmness, those who have no certainty of faith.

Anyway, it's mango season!  You want one, my love?  I love you!  Have a mango!  It's ripe, and sweet!  Just like you!  Alhamdulillah, things are growing like mad right now.  Mangos, bananas, cashews, chilli peppers, okra, pumpkin...  Now how about a budding musical tourist attraction?  InsyaAllah!