Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Letter to Julia 20121212

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello there, my beautiful Julia.  Yes, you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me.  I love you, and I want to marry you.  I pray that you are staying healthy and confident.

Oh dear, "Revenge of the Sith" is on Shadowplay TV right now.  I guess I'll fast forward it.  I don't want to turn into Darth Vader.  Ah, "Gigantic Killer Fish" on MonsterQuest.  Much better.  Actually, I wrote "Revenge" waaaay back when I was still in Salt Lake City.  Andre, Terry and I had a daytime gig, I think it was the Sabbathon... I'm not sure.  Hazy days, you know.  I believe it was outside the Cinema Bar.  As far as I remember, there was a pause... oh yeah, Andre broke a string!  So I took out a brass slide, and started jamming alone on my bass.  I played bass back then.  Terry joined in on the drums, then when Andre was done restringing his guitar, he joined in too.  I barked out some stupid words, and behold!  "Revenge" was born.  That was 1994, I think.  Years passed by, Terry quit, Andre died, I rewrote all the instrumental parts, and "Revenge" is what it is today.  I still have the version Andre, Terry and I recorded.  I wonder if it would sell?  Nah, it's only good for my nostalgia.

There is a difference between treating your enemies with justice and turning to them for friendship.  Allah loves those who are just, but making friends with your enemies and the enemies of God is wrong.  Then there is the case of women refugees, who become Muslim, then turn to you for help.  First make sure their faith is sincere.  Once you are sure of that, then it becomes haram (unlawful, forbidden) for you to send them back to where they came from.  You must help them somehow.