Hi Natty! Wassap Honey? I hope all is well for you over there, wherever that is right now. I just got done with dinner. My Mom bought me some takeout rice, which is great because I didn't have to cook. Thanks Mom! I love you! Yeah it's great I didn't have to cook, because I had to cut the grass. Tomorrow is laundry day, and I want to chuck my grass cutting outfit in the wash. There's a type of mango in the garden called a "kuinin". I don't eat the thing, I'm turned off by the scent it's very strong. I'm sure it doesn't lack for sweetness because my mother loves the fruit, and she is a notorious sweet tooth. But she is sworn off mangoes this season, because they make her cough. So the fruit fell to the ground, and there's a lot of them. That's where I had to cut the grass. One would think the weed whacker would spray its debris in a random fashion, but no. All the rotten fruit went straight towards my mouth. Now THAT is precision.
Amy Winehouse? Only by accident.