Thursday, September 10, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150911

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, my darling.  It's nice not to be alone, isn't it?  Well yeah, we're not married yet.  But you know, or you feel, for sure that I love you and am with you.  And I need you.  What you feel is faith, so please be sure to maintain your prayers.  In the meantime, have fun with your career, and stash a whole lot of money for yourself while you can, OK?

It's been raining all day again, and the weather is wonderful.  Well, I like it.  Most women I know don't like cold weather, but I heat up really easily, so I prefer cold weather.  I slept in again, oh how lazy.  Then I'm kind of hooked on "Lair Defense" right now, so I've been playing that.  Oh, don't worry about your house plan.  I've already taken all the screenshots.  All I need is to label everything, then it will be ready in time for presentation to you inshaAllah.  For you to reject, nonetheless.  But it is your house, my darling.  But since you have your own house plan, please try to get it as early as possible to me, so I can be slow and meticulous OK?