Monday, March 14, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160315

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello Beautiful!  Hi Gorgeous!  How's business today?  Are you enjoying all those new contracts?  Just be patient, and you will be able to pick and choose whatever work you want inshaAllah, if not already.  Just try not to overwork, and give thanks to Allah.  I love you and I need you.

There's not much going on here today.  I took my motorcycle to the repair shop today because I've been having trouble starting it.  The repairman said that I've been driving too slowly, and I need to drive faster.  Say what?  I do drive slowly, though.  My logic is that if I see someone about to ram me, I have time to stop, dodge, or jump off.  I guess another logic is that accidents happen regardless, and such is life.  From Allah is our origin, and to Allah is our return.

It finally rained after a long dry spell, so I got a chance to burn that trash I had been accumulating.  The hot is still very hot and humid, though.  I hope it rains some more.  I want lots of mango flowers.  I don't want a flood though.