Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Chicken Nugget and Egg Theory

Hi Honey!  I'm home!  Well, I am at home, I hang around here all the time.  I don't go anywhere much, I stick to my routine as work that someday soon Allah will have me married to my Honey.  InshaAllah.  How are you feeling today?  What's for dinner?  I have a lot of food in my cooler right now, and I'm not flat broke at this time.  But I have to empty out the fridge a bit before I buy more food.  Let's see... what goes first...  Those chicken nuggets and burgers have been in there for a while.  I bought a tray of eggs last week, so I have a lot of eggs.  I tested all of them, they were all good (if an egg floats, it's no good).  So I had chicken nuggets and eggs for dinner.  With no dipping sauce whatsoever.  Sounds bland, right?  It gave me the runs!  What happened there?  Oh, it was the Coca Cola that I slammed after cutting the grass, before I had dinner.  I can only drink Coca Cola on an empty stomach or with snacks, and not with a full meal.  Sounds odd, but that's a sensitive tummy for you.  Coke is sooo good though, after hot work and served freezing cold out of the freezer.  Ugh, I want more...
Hey Natty Honey, did you like the X-Men movie?  Most hits nowadays are superhero movies, I guess that would be an actor's "big break", so to speak.  Which sucks, because action movies are so dangerous.  And I don't want a scratch to happen to my Natty.  The Uncanny X-Men comic books of the 1980's made the X-Men famous enough to make movies, and that's the era that I truly love.  The artwork back then wasn't very sexy though, so I was riveted to the stories.  Nowadays, you must have the ladies look absolutely voluptuous.  For the pleasure of teenage male nerds who spend most of their time alone in the bedroom.  Ahem.