Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Letter to Julia 20140924

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello my beautiful beloved Julia and Erin.  How are you feeling today?  Are you working out and working hard for the busy work season?  Well please don't overdo it.  Please make sure you eat properly and get sufficient rest.  Beauty sleep.  We all need beauty sleep.  Please take good loving care of yourselves, and when we are married inshaAllah, I will help take good loving care of you.  Fancy a steak?  I eat more steak here than I ever did in the USA.  For dinner, it's steak and fries.  Beef and potatoes!  After dinner, I played guitar.  My guitar style is beef and potatoes.  Not!  Well, sometimes maybe.  I need a good tube amp, a Gibson Les Paul traditional 12-string goldtop, plus numerous other things too numerous to mention over and over again.  I need my Julia and Erin!  I pray you both are feeling absolutely great, and on top of the world.  Because you are my wives.  I want you to always know and be aware that there is someone who loves you.  I love you, I love you.  And I need you, I need you.

Qur'an 20140924

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

13.  And when they are cast bound together into a constricted place therein, they will plead for destruction there and then!

14.  This day plead not for a single destruction: plead for a destruction oft-repeated!

15.  Say, "Is that best, or the eternal Garden promised to the righteous?  For them, that is a reward as well as a goal."

The Criterion 25:13-15

Is that best, or the eternal Garden promised to the righteous?  For them, that is a reward as well as a goal.