Thursday, October 15, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151016

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Go Cubs!  Yay!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!  Woo Hoo!!

Hi Erin.  How are you feeling today, my love?  I have a bit of a headache today, probably from drinking too much coffee yesterday.  I did a load of shopping this morning.  Just the basics: coffee, sugar, creamer, soap, shampoo, noodles, and tomato soup.  Hey, these smart phones are pretty handy for keeping my shopping list!  I have a good tomato harvest, so I'll be making marinara sauce.  Mackerel was cheap today, half price from last time.  None of them had any roe.  I ate half of it as sashimi for lunch.  I'm thinking of a super thick curry sauce for tomorrow, because all I have for coconut milk is the thick stuff.  I try not to waste food, so I had some shrimp heads left over from the last time I made stuffed won tons, so I fried them up crispy then refried them in a simple batter of flour, egg, onions, water, salt and pepper as shrimp head croquettes.  Westerners balk at eating shrimp heads, but I have no problem with it. Very tasty and crispy.  Now I'm longing for jumbo shrimp heads stuffed with cream cheese fried in spicy sauce.  Oh so good!  But that's rich man's food.  What have you been eating?  Are you living on a diet of caviar on toast?  Princess!  I had caviar once, but all I could taste was salt.  I prefer fresh roe- doesn't need salt.  Try to eat a balanced diet because you're so busy, OK?  I love you and I need you.