Saturday, December 12, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151213

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Don't worry so much.  I'm OK, alhamdulillah.  Learn to ride the situation, and don't forget to pray.  You are my wife.  Together we are one.  I love you, and I need you.

I finally got the chance to cut the grass.  It's been a while, and it's been raining most of the time, but today I finally cleared up that overgrowth.  And right after I got done, it started to rain.

There's still nothing special on the menu. I'm just trying to finish up what I already have in the cooler before it goes bad.  For lunch I had chili and cheese sandwiches.  I did manage to get a batch of dough done, but it won't be ready to use until Monday.  I didn't cook any dinner.  I bought some rice over at Ina's to save time before the sunset prayer, which they're calling right as I write.  Please excuse me while I pray.