Sunday, September 13, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150914

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin.  Yeah, I'm feeling a bit sedate.  Ever since I became a better singer, my nose became more sensitive.  Much of my voice goes out my nose, you see.  So a bit of dust from cleaning my parents' bedroom this morning gave me the sniffles.  **sniffle**.  Again.  I don't know if I would get through my Hajj without incident.  Anyway, I had to dump my sinus fluids again.  But this time I measured the procedure: it took 90 minutes for a complete dump, for half a cup of snot.  Ick.  But I'm firmly convinced that infected sinus fluids are extremely dangerous, and tissue papers don't do an adequate job of removing and suppressing.  Of course the body regenerates the stuff, but at least most of the infected snot is out of the way.

But anyway, I didn't feel like cooking in the evening.  So I went to Ina's for rice, but she had sold out twice today.  So I cooked up some potatoes and sausage for dinner.  Tasted OK.  Filling.  I'm going to take it easy tonight.  I pray you are feeling healthy and confident.  You are my beautiful Erin.  I love you, and I need you.