Friday, January 13, 2017



Are we being cool cats?

You probably haven't felt like this for a long time, or you probably haven't felt like this ever.  But I promise you that these emotions will calm down enough for you to control, inshaAllah.  There's certainly nothing wrong with having emotions, and I certainly love you and am always with you.  You are always on my mind.  I must always try to control my emotions.  What was that quote from "The Godfather"?  Men cannot be careless.

There is certainly a lot of noise going around right now, and I assure you that the noise covers the entire spectrum, so there is no need for you to contribute to the noise. Please restrain yourselves: do not criticize others.  Even if it is in self-defense, God is with those who restrain themselves.

I hope you are each at your stations and getting settled with your work.  All you have to do is live well, keep safe, and pray.  Be beautiful.  And you are beautiful.  You are very, very beautiful.  You are MY girl.

My cooler is becoming empty right now, but I had enough stuff to make sausage and onion calzones.  Messy food.  Delicious, but messy.