Monday, September 18, 2023

Run like a young boy in a field

Hi Natty!   Honey, that's a very entertaining video!  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and you are so gorgeous!  It's nice of you to visit home.  Vancouver looks beautiful and green.  Why did you leave?  Oh, to go to school.  I have news for you, Honey: high school never ends.  I wanna roll down the green slopes with you!  I've never done that!  Have fun in the spotlight my darling, and keep safe and healthy.

I seriously thought those two girls in the video above were going to make out...

Mary's outfit is:
-MICRO- =  NIKSA skirt - crimson
<SB> Simple tank
BM Jellby Sandal
Elle Boutique - Snowgirl Necklace
JellyRoll - Alice Hairstyle

A lot to like from Bronx and Banco.  A vast improvement from last season.  Should be couture.  Congratulations.  Keep it up.   Here are my picks from the Bronx and Banco FALL 2023 READY-TO-WEAR collection:

Here are my picks from the Calvin Luo FALL 2023 READY-TO-WEAR collection: