Sunday, April 28, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130429

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

In Malaysia, we have system of socialized medical care.  This is where it is possible for the poor to get medical treatment.  For that reason, I am a firm believer of socialized medicine, even though I do my best to avoid doctors.  It's a habit I picked up from living in America, where medical care is privatized.  Not just to save money, but to gain knowledge to self-diagnose and self-medicate, compounded by prayer.  This is also helpful against doctors whose first recommendation is amputation or extraction.  Ya Allah, please protect me and those I love.

In order for you to qualify for the discounted medical care, you would first have to be a citizen of Malaysia.  Obviously, the first medic one would meet in this system is an intern, who is supervised by a doctor, who in turn turns to a specialist.  This is after waiting in line with the large crowd.  If the intern and his boss doctor is unable to treat you on the spot, then you would be referred to a specialist, which may mean incarceration in a hospital ward, depending on the seriousness of the ailment.  And for this hospital in Kangar, if there is no specialist available to treat your particular problem, then you would be referred to a hospital in Alor Setar, about an hour's drive away.  I once had to spend 9 days in a 4th class ward, which was not a pleasant experience.  Nonetheless, I remain a firm believer of socialized medicine, so I have to forgive the experience for what it's worth.

The other option is to go to a private doctor, which costs more of course.  There are certainly some very talented and experienced doctors and dentists out there if one can afford them.  The issue is to find the right doctor.  I believe a local doctor is always preferable, because the journey adds to the risk.  For certain, if you have buddies in the medical hierarchy, you might just get a place in an air-conditioned ward in a public hospital.  I have few friends and many enemies, so I have to wait in line along with the rest of the impoverished.  If I am not able to prevent or self-treat.  Now don't get me wrong: Malaysia has many, many medical schools, and vast medical knowledge.  But I would rather avoid doctors.

Please don't lose your medical connections.  Please be pro-active about gaining medical knowledge, and locating good local doctors.  Remember, that I must avoid travel due to my spiritual agenda.  I'm not much help to you when it comes to doctors, other than to be with you, and get aggressive with those who misdiagnose or mistreat you or our loved ones.