Saturday, September 8, 2018

Raw fish

Hi Natty honey!  How are you today, beautiful young woman?  I hope you are feeling great and having tons of fun, but please make sure you know how to relax!  What's for dinner today?  Do you like raw fish?  I mean, do you like sushi?  Of course you like sushi, I remember your eating it once, in Paris I think.  My parents gave me a fresh scad today.  Scad has a very strong flavor, and it's only good raw if it were very, very fresh.  It wasn't a big fish, medium large for a hardtail scad, so there wasn't enough meat for California rolls.  Well, for a satisfying helping of rolls.  I can eat a LOT of sushi in one go.  So I portioned out the meat I did have into sashimi slices, about the size of a quarter each, and marinated them in light soy sauce.  Then my Mom also gave me some "nasi lemak", which is rice steamed in coconut milk.  This is a local dish, usually served with "sambal tumis" (blended chillies, onions and "belacan" (fermented shrimp) fried in oil until saturated), boiled eggs and crunchy anchovies.  She didn't give me any anchovies, which is OK because I already have some, but I thought that it would be cool to use sashimi slices instead of crunchy anchovies.  And it was a lovely meal.  Delicious.  Raw fish is an escellent substitute for crunchy anchovies in "nasi lemak".  Would you like to try some?