Friday, August 23, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130824

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia my dearest heart, how are you feeling today?  I pray you are healthy and confident.  I do love you so.  I'm kind of tired right now, I've been on the go since 8am, and now it's almost time for the sunset prayer, and I'm writing to my Sweetie as I wait for the call.

I figured that that fat Bat Cat clone that someone planted in my yard would be claimed by the owner, because he's so fat and pampered, he could only have gotten that way from being spoiled rotten.  Bat Cat does not like his clone.  Now he's hiding, which means he's refusing to be caged.  I bet he wants to lie in wait for his clone so as to chase him away.  To the owner of Bat Cat's clone, if you truly love that cat, please take him away from my yard because my Bat Cat doesn't want him there.  Hark!  I hear cats squabbling!