Monday, March 13, 2017

Qur'an 20170314

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

105.  They ask you concerning the
mountains.  Say, "My Lord will uproot them, and scatter them as dust."

106.  God will leave them as plains, smooth and level.

107.  Nothing crooked and curved will you see in their place.

Ta Ha  20:105-107

Travel is for the young

I've certainly had my fill of travel.  I've traveled so much that my feet hurt.  People are the same all over the world anyway.  Now that I've grown up, I want to make like a tree and plant my roots deep, and be big and shady.  More important is my mission to please Allah with music.  And God gave me the idea to create a tourist attraction here, so I don't go anywhere.  I just stay in Perlis, and to be perfectly honest with you, I don't care if I ever leave this place until I die.  I want to marry you, so that looks like I'm going to have to travel anyway to give my wife her vacations, but otherwise I don't and don't want to go anywhere.  You've had your fill of extensive travel, haven't you Erin?  It's not the same if you're a nobody.  If you are a nobody, then nobody would care where you go or whether or not you live or die.  But once we marry inshaAllah, you will be Rock and Roll royalty.  And you don't see royalty gallivanting wherever they please without an armed guard, do you?  So get your travel kicks in now, before we marry.

Do you hear that Natty?  Travel will be restricted once we marry inshaAllah, so get your travel kicks in now.  Don't wait to be a tourist, be a tourist NOW.  By the way, my source tells me that the US government has slapped an earnings cap on you and your brother.  This means you can get famous all you want, but you won't be able to earn as much as the big dogs.  This seems to me hard to beat, but it may not be entirely legal, plus you can always use non-US linked resources.  I'm telling you again Natty, stay away from America for 4 to 8 years.