Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Qur'an 20191009

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

83.  They ask you concerning the Two horned One.  Say, "I will rehearse to you something of his story."

84.  Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and means to all ends.

The Cave 18:83-84

Hi Erin

How are you feeling today, Honey?  I hope you are not still restless or lonesome or anything like that.  I want to be with you dearly, because I love you so much.  Don't you worry about a thing, my love.  Everything is going to work out just great for us inshaAllah.

It's cold and wet right now.  I got rained on a little on the way to the mosque just now, but otherwise Allah spared me a drenching.  I guess I was blessed enough to travel between the rain bursts.  That was a couple of hours ago, the Internet was out for whatever reason and it just came back on, so I'm sorry to be late today.  Not much to report other than that.  Dinner tonight was pita bread and generic curry.  I think you would like this curry.  It's extra thick, and it's nothing but curry, no meats, fish or veggies in it unless you catch the small piece of salted fish I used for flavor.  Anyway, keep calm and patient, and have some fun in the meantime.  I love you!