Thursday, May 5, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160506

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Aw, you poor little sweetheart.  I'm glad you got home safely.  You may not have noticed it, but you have been working 24/7 for the past 2 weeks.  Take a break, honey.  Sleep for a day.  I love you and I need you.

Me, I've been so busy in the kitchen for whatever reason.  I didn't have time to prepare my lunch because I had to run some errands, buying food and grocery products among other things, but my Mom gave me some glutenous rice, and I diced up a mango and enjoyed it with the rice.  No, not a harumanis mango.  Mama tree didn't flower because of the drought, so there's no fruit this year.  Can't buy it, either.  Sold out.  It rained in the evening, so I stayed in the kitchen and made dinner.  It's sweet and sour grouper with steamed rice!  For the sauce, I blended onions with pineapple core, sauteed that with chopped garlic and shrimp head paste, then added the ketchup, and lime juice for the sour.  Thick sauce.  I put in chunks of red onion, pineapple, and tomato last.  Want some?

In today's letter, I included a piece of cat art, titled "Floofy in Virtual Needlework" or "The Dark-eyed Meower".