Sunday, October 30, 2016


But you can still do it Erin!  You can win!  All you need to do is win the next 3 games in a row!  That's no problem, right?  You can do it, Erin!  You can win!  We can win!

Aw Natty, you beautiful little creature.  You're such a gorgeous little sweetheart.  Don't fret dear, everything will be all right, inshaAllah.

Piene, I hope you didn't drink all that wine.  Please don't be a party girl.  Those glowing red eyes kind of suit you, though.

Dinner was hash browns stuffed with sliced chicken, tomatoes, hummus, mustard greens, and spicy sauce.  Tastes kind of like shepherd's pie with chicken, tomatoes, and hummus.  It would have gone even better with ranch or brown gravy, but I didn't make any.