Friday, April 2, 2021

A miniature harvest

 Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today, my darling?  Are you as beautiful as ever?  I'm sure you are!  Please keep yourself healthy and safe.  Do you like gardening?  Some who loves green and nature as you must also love gardening.  I'm an OK gardener: some plants thrive, others don't.  Usually the ones that thrive, I don't eat.  But sometimes I get blessed.  Today is a miniature harvest, so let's go!  By the Will of Allah!  I have no power other than the Power of Allah!

First up is a cashew!  It looks like a good cashew harvest this year, and it looks like it will get better and better every year inshaAllah.  This is the first ripe fruit of this season, and I think it's pretty handsome.  I prune all my fruit trees so the branches hang low, well the ones that I planted at least.  The cashew nut is what you see at the bottom.  You never find the flesh outside of its originating country because it doesn't last, thus I have this bad boy sitting in my cooler.  I have no talent in processing the nut, so the flesh is what I eat.  I'm going to make relish out of this, to put on my cheeseburger for lunch tomorrow.
I have 4 types of mangoes in the yard, this one is directly translated as "egg mango".  As you can see, it's bigger than a grade D egg, but that's as big as the fruit gets.  It's best eaten as is, and you peel it with your teeth then suck the flesh off like you would slurp an oyster.  Something like that.
I have absolutely no talent growing tomatoes!  This is the only fruit from my last crop of tomato plants and as you can see, they are whoppers!  I don't know what to do with these.  Maybe I'll plop them into my noodle soup.