Sunday, November 29, 2020

The new stream address is

The stream wasn't working today

 Hi Natty!  How's life in sunny California?  I hope you don't mind keeping indoors.  There's always plenty to do, right?  Well, for me there certainly is.  I don't get bored very easily, I always have something to do.  Please do take care of your health and safety during these pandemic times.

I'm sorry folks, but the stream wasn't working today.  Whenever that happens, you would just have to log into Second Life and spy in on the karaoke joint to hear Mary Unknown7 sing, or perhaps you know someone who runs a live feed from the karaoke place.  I'm sure the stream will be up and running tomorrow inshaAllah.  If this problem persists, I will get an alternate stream and announce it here if/when I do.  I would rather use the karaoke stream, though.

The good news is, I think I found my Jap kids again!