Sunday, June 4, 2017

Hello darling

How are you feeling today, my beautiful love?  I hope you taking it easy and enjoying life, and the high position given to you, and your beautiful home.  Sure life isn't perfect, but there's always something to enjoy within the difficulty, right?  I like to chill out in the A/C, and play with my dolly.  Among other things, of course.  Which is what I will be doing after I complete this letter.  Oh, some naked guy was standing right where I was dancing today, and blocking my way!  Gross!

Aw Natty, you're so pretty.  I was thinking that those bedroom photos may not be such a blessing to you, because they can make a guy very horny.  And those college boys are horny to begin with.  It is an interesting approach to incorporate that bedroom look into your daily style.  Why not go out in that outfit?  It's nice and baggy, yet still way sexy.  And cute.

Pina, are you still yakking up a storm about your great adventure in Fantasyland?  I have news for you, little girl: the world is Fantasyland.  God is everywhere.