Saturday, August 3, 2019


Hi there, my lovely Ladies!  Isn't it a glorious day today?  It is over here!  Nice and cool, and I slept over 7 hours last night so I feel great!  Great!  I hope your day is glorious too, and you are having a wonderful time, and feeling positively great!

Oh, what I mean by chicken is not being afraid like chicken like a scaredy-cat or anything like that.  It's OK to be scared as long as you put your fear in the right place.  Pious people put their fear in Allah.  What I mean by chicken is a big, fat chicken.  Almost 3 kilos!  Yeah the chickens at the supermarket were huge today, and I got a big, fat one.  When I got home, I processed it immediately.  I have to adjust my chicken processing routine to generate cat food, now that my indoor cats have upgraded from kibble.  First I separate the liver from the gizzard.  The butcher had extra packs of liver/gizzards from people who didn't want them, so I took them.  Then I take off the wings: no cat is getting the wings, they're mine!  Then I take off the white meat.  The rest of the bird is cat food, so I strip off what's left of the meat.  The bones go into a saucepan, and I had rice vermicelli in chicken broth for dinner.  Greasy, but OK in flavor.  Next time, I'll blot the grease.