Sunday, June 24, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120625

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV**

Oh, my dearest sweet beautiful young Julia.  How I love you so much, you are all I could ever dream of in a girl, thank you so very much for your love.  We have such an old-fashioned love, don't we?  So formal, so many people involved.  And I, this old soldier, waits patiently for Allah to allow our marriage to happen, with great happiness and security.  You are so very innocent.  You must pray that Allah grants me the wealth necessary to give you the life of a princess.  And you are a princess, you are MY princess, and I love you with all my heart.  Even with money, whether it be whatever Allah gives me or yours and your bridal purse, it takes time to build a dream home.  Attention must be paid to detail, and workers must be personally supervised.  Where are you going to live until then?  Even with this tiny home I live in now, modifications need to be made for you even to stay for a short while.  Doorways need to be made taller, and you need your own bathroom, because you are a princess.  You are MY princess.  And most likely you will be pregnant quickly, insyaAllah.  Have you thought about that?  Well, like the chaotician said in "Jurassic Park", "Life finds a way".  InsyaAllah.  Please pray with all your heart that Allah will grant us everything we need together, and more.  I love you, Julia.