Saturday, October 13, 2018

God cannot be upstaged

Hi Natty honey!  How are you doing and feeling today, my beautiful and precious Princess?  I hope you are feeling great and having a marvelous time.  Oh it's just another average day for me, doing the same old same old.  After my morning chores, I had to go to the supermarket to get a pint of milk for my dinner.  Instead of cooking lunch today, I bought some "nasi lemak" (rice steamed with coconut milk and served with crunchy anchovies, "sambal tumis" (chillies, onions, and "belacan" (fermented shrimp) blended then fried in oil until saturated) and hard boiled egg) from some ladies at the side of the road.  "Nasi lemak" has many variations, but the one I had today is the most common.  Dinner was pasta with coconut alfredo sauce again, of course that was what the milk was for.  I finally got the thickness of the sauce right.  I used to think that the thicker the alfredo sauce, the better.  Now I know that the correct proportions of sauce and pasta has to be palatable.  It's weird to see the sauce be so runny by itself, then become so thick when mixed with pasta.  I didn't take any snapshots.  It looks like chicken alfredo pasta.  Tastes like it too.  Have you been watching a lot of TV?  I like to watch TV.  The news is very entertaining lately, lots of comedy.  One thing is certain, God cannot be upstaged.  And the universe is God's office.

Oh well.  The computer wants you to watch a movie today.  Please watch "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013).  At first when I saw Leonardo de Caprio in this movie, I thought he had gotten fat.  Then I realized that he was quite fit: he's just a guy.

When I voice train, I always use the voice channel on Second Life.  As you can see from these snapshots, someone had hijacked the music (streaming) channel.