Saturday, June 3, 2017

Just a lot of rain

Nothing much to report today Sweetheart, just a lot of rain.  When it rains around here, it usually rains in the evening.  But in the past couple of days, it's been raining in the early morning, right after the dawn prayer.  That means that the nights are extra humid, and I was sweltering all last night.  I had to turn on the A/C.  I heat up really easily.  You most likely don't like the cold I'm sure, but I despise the heat.  I think it's going to be a tug of war over the A/C remote in our bedroom, honey.  Either that, or I'll have to go to a different room where I can keep it nice and cold.  Either that, or you cling onto me like a baby monkey clinging onto its mother so you can share my body heat.

Hey Natty, how are those studies coming along?  Please do me proud, and do well at school OK?