Saturday, October 19, 2019

No it isn't snack time, it's labor over cat food time

Hi, my beautiful Ladies!  Are you doing well today?  I hope so.  I think of you all the time.  It's Saturday, but everyone seems super busy.  I took my Mom grocery shopping in the morning.  I had to buy chicken myself, so we went driving around town most of the morning, and my mother bought me some rice for lunch.  I needed to relax before Mary Unknown7 started singing, so I didn't do any kitchen work in the morning.  Which means that I was stuck in the kitchen all evening, and I'm still exasperated from it.  Plus, I'm not done yet.  I quit buying cat food, so me and my cats eat the same thing: chicken.  Last time the chickens were small, so I bought two.  I bought two again today which wasn't necessary because I generated more labor for myself.  I always get the butcher to cut the chicken in four.  Then when I begin work on it, the first thing I do is lock the cats up in the kitty litter room.  Then I can process the bird in peace.  I have to get as much flesh off as possible, and the bones, fat, innards and skin go into the pot to be slow boiled.  I put the red meat and gizzards in one container, then the liver, breast meat, and wings in other separate containers.  The knife is never sharp enough, but I learned it's best to use a small knife.  Today, I used scissors as well, which was a great idea.  Floofy and Lookie get the raw meat (which I keep in the freezer), and little Yoolie gets the cooked flesh from making broth, which is a lot, which I also keep frozen.  I defrost as needed. I get the wings, liver, broth, and whatever white meat is available.  Oh so tedious, but do much better for the cat's health.  If I had a choice, I would buy only white meat, but the whole bird is cheaper.  Groan.  Next, I have to pull the flesh off the bones.  I'll talk to you again tomorrow, inshaAllah.