Monday, July 23, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120724

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Julia!  My love.  You may be fascinated by the local cuisine here, as it's all new to you.  I have to tell you that I don't really have much of a local stomach.  The staple of the locals is rice with assorted entrees.  I don't eat that daily.  Not even monthly.  Maybe once every 3 months, or less.  I like rice, I do.  But only with one entree.  Then there are some stuff that just don't attract me.  It's all the traveling I've done, you see.  I've acquired sort of a "white man's stomach".  But that's not entirely true either.  I like to experiment lots of times.  I don't know.  I like my own cooking.  Fussy stomach.  Long and tedious history.

One of the most important techniques of spiritual reality is to know where to put your fear.  Materialists put their fear in poverty.  Pagans would place fear in gods and demigods.  Atheists would put fear in the human will.  But the pious put their fear in God.  Sure, it's a dangerous world, it has always been so, and the cruel would emphasize that in order to make you fear them.  Warfare is all about deception.  And even the best of humans have their weaknesses.  Allah is Absolute in Power, and will compensate for your weaknesses, if it be God's Will.  Put your fear in Allah, ask God for help or anything else you need, and do not be cowed by the intimidation of others.  If you master this, then you would have truly stepped up to a different plane of reality.

Qur'an 20120724

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

37.  And such as Allah does guide, there can be none to lead astray.  Is not Allah Exalted in Power, Lord of Retribution?

38.  If indeed you ask them who it is that created the heavens and the earth, they would be sure to say, "Allah".  Say, "See you then?  The things you invoke besides Allah, can they if Allah wills some penalty for me, remove God's Penalty?  Or if God wills some grace for me, can they keep back God's Grace?"  Say, "Sufficient is Allah for me!"  In God trust those who put their trust.

Crowds 39:8-15

See you then?  The things you invoke besides Allah, can they if Allah wills some penalty for me, remove God's Penalty?  Or if God wills some grace for me, can they keep back God's Grace?

Sufficient is Allah for me!