Friday, August 14, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150815

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**sniffle**  I suddenly got the sniffles again.  I was just waiting to head out to the mosque for Friday prayer, then the sneezes got a hold on me.  I didn't bring any tissues with me, so all the while I was at the mosque, I had to swallow the damned stuff.  Ugh!  This is certainly a conspiracy by the Flu Virus Collective!  And after the prayer, I had to go straight into voice training.  So I was sneezing and sniffling while I was singing.  After that I finally found the time to drain my sinus cavity, so inshaAllah the flu won't get a grip on me.  **sniffle**

So I was not in the mood at all to do any cooking for dinner.  I had already made the decision not to spend any money today.  I had some leftover steak in the cooler, and a can of beans.  I didn't even bother to heat anything up.  I stuck a spoon into the can of beans, sliced up the steak, and ate it with raw onion and Thai peppers from my garden.  Tasted quite good, actually.  Want some?

I pray that you are eating properly and getting plenty of rest.  You are MY girl, Erin.  I love you, and I need you.