Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130523

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Dearest Julia, I'm sorry I haven't written in so long.  Of course I still love you.  How could I not?  You are so beautiful, you are MY girl, and I want to marry you.  I did tell you that I've been talking too much lately, so I am feeling reclusive and lazy right now, more than I usually am.  So I stayed home and watched TV all the time, other than taking Chee Cheah to the vet, and going out to buy snacks.  But I had to reorganize my hard drive, so my computer had to work 24/7, and so did I, to keep an eye on it.  So much for being lazy.  You must be working hard.  Please believe, and be righteous.  Allah will grant us beautiful gardens together.  InsyaAllah.

Meanwhile, how about you watch a movie?  This features and is directed by P. Ramlee, one of the greatest Malay stars, who died young at the age of 44.  It also somehow reminds me of politics in Malaysia (both sides).