Friday, May 22, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150523

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi Erin.  Oh, I'm tired.  Worn out.  I spent the whole day yesterday busting my butt, and today I can't do anything.  I didn't do much of anything in the morning.  Today was Friday, so I had to spend noon at the mosque.  So it took me everything I had to make my lunch, then I took a shower and vegetated until I had to leave.  In the evening, I had to go get gasoline and drinking water, but I did have time to make a batch of dough (finally!), and make something different for dinner.  I had a ton of mole sauce left- well, not a ton.  One and a half cups, so I made chicken in mole sauce, with fried onions and peppers with steamed rice.   I was about to put the rest of the sauce away in the cooler, but the cats stuck their noses in it while my back was turned washing dishes.  I had to throw the lot away.  That pissed me off.  More because it was my own fault that I forgot to cover the damned thing.

Oh, I'm tired.  I think I'll just lie and watch TV and snack on sunflower seeds.  Wanna snuggle and make love?  Oh, you're not here.  Sigh.  Wish you were here with me.  I love you, Erin.  And I need you.