Saturday, April 20, 2019


Hello there, my beautiful Ladies!  How are you feeling today?  Well yeah, the world is watching but that's because you are so pretty!  I love you so much.  What's for dinner?  I'm still on a budget and a diet, but I had such a craving for raw fish this morning.  That's because I've been marathon watching the Japanese masters gut and fillet all sorts of different fish.  They use up so much clean linen!  What made me hungrier is that they only use a measly portion of the fish to serve as sushi/sashimi.  I thought to myself, "Well, I can afford to get a reasonably sized fish to eat raw, provided it is meaty."  But the local grocer didn't have much for selection, so no sashimi today.  I guess I should have gone to the market downtown, after all I did go downtown for gasoline, but I suppose I got lazy.  This time, my laziness helped me stick to my budget and diet so instead of a fish, I bought some fish cake.  I made myself a bowl of ramen for lunch, with fish cake, okra, mint, and an egg.