Sunday, October 24, 2021

The pest


Hi Natty!  How are you today?  Are you still mad at me?  Please don't be mad at me, because I love you with all of my heart and I will marry you inshaAllah.  How's your back?  Have you been laboring hard?  Try to stretch often, and sleep on the floor straight and face up to help your back.  I just got done with dinner, and it was crummy.  I had to cut the grass this evening then bust ass to feed myself before sunset, and I was in no mood to cook so dinner was crummy.  It was just a burger and fries, but it was crummy.  Goes to show that the product will suck no matter how much skill and experience you have, if you didn't give your work your heart and soul.

Lately somebody has been messing with Mary Unknown7's avatar.  The world of Second Life is made of many regions, and when the viewer program starts up it tries to communicate with the chosen region.  I've made a video of the startup above to show you.  Someone managed to sneak past my antivirus and run a program to hijack my network adapter and modem to deny my access to the region at the "Requesting region capabilities" point of the startup.  Obviously I found a solution, but that avatar is very important to us here at Shadowplay.  I have the task of protecting Mary Unknown7, and the avatar is how she presents herself to the world without having to show her face.  The avatar helps us convey that Mary Unknown7 is perhaps every bit as beautiful as her avatar.  What!  Are you folks suggesting that she isn't as pretty as her avatar?  You better not let Mary hear that.  You'll hurt her feelings.  She's very sensitive.