Sunday, July 1, 2012

Letter to Julia 20120702

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**It's still the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show marathon on Shadowplay TV**

Hello, my beloved young angel Julia.  If it be that you are close by with the intent to marry me, then you have done a righteous thing, for you have chosen love over money in the name of Allah.  Our love may have broken down a locked door, but it is the door of an old sundry shop, and it is dark inside.  Do you know what a sundry shop is, Julia?  It is a small grocery store the size of a convenience store, which is independently owned with small capital, and look as thus.  And there is one more locked door before we enter the darkness, a door which is bolted down with grappling hooks.  In the darkness could be diamonds and gold or otherwise, who knows?  So please please please pray that Allah grants me my own wealth so I can treat you well.  It would break my heart to see you live in poverty as I am.  I just wanna die.  I just wanna die.  I just wanna die.  I want the best for you, for you are my love, my heart, my soul.  So I must live and be patient and faithful that Allah will grant us all that we need.