Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Qur'an 20170315

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

114.  High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth!  Be not in haste with the Qur'an before its revelation to you is completed but say, "O my Lord!  Advance me in knowledge!"

Ta Ha  20:114

A doughy kind of day

The flat bread I bought this morning and the calzones I made for dinner were all doughy.

Erin, you are like the cat that just has to be there so that the rat doesn't go there because there is a cat there.  Mind you, there are rats that are bold enough to go where the cats are.  Most of the time, the rats would seek easy prey.

A cap on earnings is a very intelligent and very sneaky thing to do, because the victims would not notice anything is wrong until they reach the point where they are working harder but not making more money.  Of course, that would be the smart way to exercise the cap, is to wait until the cap is reached before taking or withholding money.  Human law does not recognize prevention as a form of justice, but at least you can avoid getting ripped off inshaAllah.  But if money is taken immediately like is the usual, greedy thing to do, then it will leave a trail of money which can be traced.  One can always count on the greed of others: it is more reliable than any human friend.  Plus to pick on immigrants is especially cunning, because few of them have the legal balls to fight back.  Suppose a cap on earnings is in effect, then these questions arise:
1.  Who ordered the cap?
2.  Did Congress approve it?
3.  Who gets the money that the victims lose?
4.  Will this cap extend to everybody eventually and if so, who is exempted?

Natty, you look so cute in that Maybelline campaign!  It's a stroke of marketing genius, to have models that don't need makeup promote makeup so the consumer would think that if they use this makeup then they would look like they don't need makeup.  **Applause**