Sunday, May 8, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160509

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

At least now I know to build you a lab instead of a gym.  Just promise me that we stay physically fit, OK?  I don't want you to be one of those bloated or emaciated scientists.  So what's it going to be?  Electrical?  Computers?  Mechanical?  Just promise me it isn't going to be chemical or biological.  I can't handle toxic waste.  Unless it's botany, because the world needs more plants.  And you can help me in the studio when I do takes.  You might just be the only other person besides me to witness my production routine. 

I don't blame you for not wanting to be Top Cat.  Me, I don't have a competitive bone in my body.  So don't you worry, just be my girl and I will look after you inshaAllah.  In the spiritual hierarchy there is no contest, but since people want to be God it turns into a competition.  The simplest spiritual awareness is this: either you believe in God, or you don't.  In this matter, you can't vacillate: you are either with God, or an enemy of God.  Enemies of God are atheists, those who worship other than God, and those who worship many gods.  Don't think that every spiritual understanding is God in some way, for that is actually joining partners with God.  So do not prefer the friendship of unbelievers over believers, for this is hypocrisy for which there is a severe penalty.

Grass sure grows quickly around here, and now it's raining.  I managed to cut the grass over at your house inshallah.  Those creepers coming over from the west side are a serious nuisance!  They're creeping over deadwood and vines, and they're choking up my weed whacker.  I'm going to have to chop and scrape them up, it's going to take time and work to do that, and they're just going to grow again.  Poison is the answer, but I can't afford that yet.  While I was cutting the grass, I happened to graze Mr. Frog with the rotating blade, and I hurt his back legs.  Oh no, I'm sorry Mr. Frog!  I didn't see you in the thick grass!  I put him aside, and eventually he recovered and managed to hop away slowly.

Anyway, I have to practice bass now.  Everyday I think of you, and I think of what to write to you.  You're my girl!  I love you and I need you.