Saturday, July 21, 2018


Verily We have created humans into toil and struggle. (The City 90:4)

Hi Honey!  Are you busy?  Put on your crash helmet, let's go and get some gasoline.  Some guy parked his car in front of my house, saying he ran out of gas.  Hm.  I get that a lot, people coming up to me at my house asking for some sort of help.  Since I live in the Public Eye, and I have no friends, the probability of such an approach being some sort of setup is 1:1.  But I had some extra gasoline which I use for the grass cutter, so I gave it to the guy, then went out later to get gasoline.  But really Honey, you will have to expect that.  Let me handle the sob stories, OK?

Oh Natty Honey, you do have a DSLR.  Is it magnesium alloy?  How many lenses do you have?  I've always wanted to get a DSLR, but nowadays I just can't be bothered with that possession anymore.  No time.  A nice new cell phone with a good on board camera will be good enough for me.  What's that scar on your forehead?  Did some bug bite you?  On your precious skin?  Oh my poor beautiful Natty...