Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Letter to Erin 20151223

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hi there!  How December going?  Oh my, it's almost 2016.  Time sure whizzes by.  Well, I'm still here for you.  Have patience!  Be righteous!  Everyone else is at a loss.  I love you, and I need you.

I spent the whole morning in the kitchen again.  This time I was working on my steamed dumplings.  I used the stuffing mix that I normally use for stuffed won tons, thinking that that would be appropriate.  I used rice flour for the dough.  My dumplings steamed up quite nicely, though the skin was a little too thick and the stuffing too mild.  I think with rice flour, I should have stronger flavored stuffing.  Like beef or chicken.  Next time I'll use corn flour, which should make the dumplings translucent.  I still have some dumplings left, so I'll have them for lunch tomorrow as a soup.  Rather, I'll pour hot chicken soup over the dumplings and chicken.  I think it'll work great, and be a nice change from noodles.

Last night's dinner was so good, I had to have it again.  This time my half pitas bubbled up nicely, and I had a lot of room for stuffing.  I wish I had shredded lettuce!  This time instead of mole sauce, my Mom gave me some brown gravy mix.  So I whipped it up extra thick, and it went great with my steak pitas.  Ah!  I wish I had shredded lettuce and tomatoes!