Thursday, September 14, 2017

Oh, the rain

Hi Honey!  How are you?  I hope all is excellent going.  It's Friday morning here for me, and I'm writing earlier than usual before I have to head out to the mosque for the Friday prayer.  It rained quite heavily overnight, and it's still raining right now.  I was so pleased because it was a nice cool morning, and that means I get to snuggle up in my blankie.  But I was not pleased because my blankie was covered in dust for not being used, and it made me itch too much to sleep in.  Always something getting in the way of having a good time, huh?  Seems like it.  My Mom said she'd give me some rice, so I at least I don't have to cook lunch but I am hungry so I'm snacking on peanuts right now.  Good peanuts.  Alhamdulillah.  Want some?

Oh your poor umbrella, Natty!  I'm sure you're wealthy enough by now to get yourself a nice new umbrella.  Or is it raining money on you, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!  Save your money for later, Natty.  It's all yours, you earned it.  By the way, did you notice that you can answer everything that Carlos guy says to you with one expression: "It's because you're so CREEPY!!!"  Oh, what drama.