Monday, September 12, 2016

Hello there

Today is the Eid.  Muslims celebrate Ramadan, and the @ Eids.  It's kind of having 2 Christmases.  The first Eid is the celebration at the end of Ramadan the fasting month known as Eid el Fitr, and the second Eid is the celebration of the end of the Hajj ritual known as Eid el Adha, which is today.  They always sacrifice livestock during this period, which will happen tomorrow.  I'm going to help them portion out the meat inshaAllah.  It should be a feast for the eyes, so I will be taking photos.  Lots of food today.  I had breakfast at my parents' house, and I made some curry pups (photo below).

Hey there, Stud Woman!  You are WORKING it!  Do you like college sports?  I'm not a sports fan, but you should dabble in following a college sport.  Or some college pastime.  College Queen.

I've posted this song before, but I thought I would post it again.