Sunday, December 18, 2016

Qur'an 20161219

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

88.  Strain not your eyes at what We have bestowed on certain classes of them, nor grieve over them, but lower your wings to the believers.

89.  And say, "I am indeed he that warns openly and without ambiguity."

90.  As We sent down on those who divided,

91.  As have made the Qur'an into shreds.

92.  Therefore, by your Lord, We will, of a surety, call them to account,

93.  For all their deeds.

94.  Therefore expound openly what you are commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah.

The Rocky Tract 15:88-94

Erin, did you get your Cubs jacket yet?

Floofy is very darned passionate with her kitty litter.  She loves to kick sand around everywhere, and if there's a poop present, she likes to hurl as far away as possible as if she were throwing a Hail Mary.  I think her daughters are afraid to use the cat box because of her.

Oh Erin, that's a beautiful place and beautiful photo.  I'll have to admit that I have no desire to travel at all.  I've had my fill of travel.  If I were to travel, it would only be to please my wife.  But let's keep it well-planned and systematic.  I'm building a tourist attraction here.

Natty, I was only teasing you when I called you my little girl, so please don't be mad at me.  You are a grown woman, and ravishingly beautiful.  Do you speak French?  I assume that since you're from Canada, you are fluent in French.  And France is precisely where you should be, because I get to tout it as the fashion capital of the world.  Because of you.  Perhaps you are intimidated by the power of this music.  The power of music is actually the power of God, that's why I keep telling you to pray.

However, my source tells me that Italy is the place for you to be right now Pina.  You're in the right place at the right time, so make the most of it.  Stay clean, and don't get greedy.  You're a cool cat, Pina.  You're probably the coolest cat of the 4 of us.