Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Letter to Julia 20110707

Y'know Julia, this inability to fulfill our passion is a difficulty for me, too. Obviously, the problem is the distance between us. We need to be properly married to each other, and be with each other all the time. Then I will do whatever it takes to be fucking you all the time, even if I would have to carry a backpack filled with viagra pumped into me intraveinously. Of course, it would be cumbersome when you're lying on your stomach reading a global economics textbook but hey, life is not perfect. You seem to be waiting for me, so if that is true then you must have faith, and pray that our love will be fulfilled quickly and efficiently. Please forgive me for being so far away from you.

Do you have faith in our love, and in God? Then be patient and wait, and pray that God will settle our matter of love in a happy way. This our global love affair is a sign of the Grace and Power of God, to defy those who will to enslave us, and force you into prostitution. This our love is an investment into the next life, so please be patient now, and pray.