Friday, March 29, 2013

Letter to Julia 20130330

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello again, Julia my love.  I love you.  So I write another love letter, and here it is.  I could spill more smoochies for you, you gorgeous thing you, but I have to talk about my cat today.  Because I might not be able to post a blog Monday if I have to take him to the vet.

Catgone it, I'm up to my eyeballs with cats I have to doctor!  There is this off-black cat with a long tail, and scrawny looking.  But he is very strong and clever.  If he were a human, he would be a crime boss.  He attacks the paws and legs of his opponents, so they can't fight back.  He mangled the right hind paw of my Batty-Watty Bat Cat, and he put a hole in the thigh of Scruffy, my brother's white cat.  Scruffy seems to be coping OK, but my Batty has trouble walking.  So I had to place him under protective exile in his cage, and occasionally disinfect his paw with rubbing alcohol.  While he was incarcerated for his own safety, his enemies visited him to mutter threats.  Yeah, I counted at least 3 cats wanting to kill him: the off-black cat, a black cat with a stubby tail, and an orange striped cat who comes a-howling around my house while my Bat Cat is detained.  So many enemies.  He's not even a year old yet.  While these cats may plot to get Batty, it is unlikely that they would sincerely gang up with each other against him.  Just like when the humans plot against an individual, they also plot against each other to gain superiority.  Allah will put all secrets to the test.  Ya Allah, please protect and heal my Bat Cat and Chee Cheah.