Hi Natty! Sorry I'm running late, I had to organize cooking oil. How are you ? I hope you are cheerful and having fun. You are the most beautiful girl in the world to me, and I love you with all of my heart. Please keep safe and healthy OK! Oh yeah, plus Internet is crawling right now. Internet is still very spotty over here for me. It's been over a month like this already, so what do you folks think? It's either incompetent or intentional, right? The odds favor the latter, especially given human nature. But mashaAllah, the music got through to the other side of the Web. Today was hard work on my part, though.
I'm kind of hooked on chicken chow mein right now, the stuff goes especially well with Coca-Cola. I didn't have any Bok Choy today, but I saw some fresh mustard greens when I went to pick up some filtered water. So I spent a buck on that, and I got quite a lot for a buck. I made sardine rolls for lunch. Sardine rolls are a big hit, especially with the cats! I added some mustard greens in there, and it made a nice difference. Tasted mustardy! I didn't notice much of a flavor difference in the chow mein. The greens got drowned out by the chow mein.
Mary's outfit is:
Luova // Star Earrings
Alli&Ali Designs Whitney Hair
Pure Poison - Shira Sandals