Friday, April 17, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150418

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hello, Erin my darling.  And how are you feeling today?  Life goes on, doesn't it.  Here I wait for you, for the time when we can be married.  Ya Allah, please help and protect us.

It rained heavily today.  The rain broke in the evening, so I was able to do a little bit of yard work.  So I went to prune the bamboo in front of my house, across the road to the elementary school.  I used to hack it up with a machete, but now I find it more aesthetic to just use a hand pruner.  I found some perfect lengths of bamboo for use as drumsticks.  I love bamboo.  I love bamboo drumsticks as opposed to those machined drumsticks other drummers use.  Not only are they springier with many variations of texture and weight, but also bamboo is curved.  But I think the real reason I love bamboo so much is that my hands are too big and clumsy to spin drumsticks, so I use bamboo because no one else does.

Nothing special from me on the menu today.  My Mom made some rice, so I had that for both lunch and dinner, the difference being that lunch was fried anchovies and dinner was sirloin.  I pray you are having a great time, plus taking it easy.  Erin, I love you and I need you.