Thursday, August 27, 2015

Letter to Erin 20150828

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

**sniffle**  I got the sniffles again.  All the recent weather distortion is definitely not normal, and my body is struggling to adjust.  It's not the indoors atmosphere either, because the sneezing intensifies when I go outside.  And I can hear my parents sneezing more than usual next door.  I'm writing today's letter later than usual because I had to take the time to drain my sinus cavity.  Yeah it's gross, but I am responsible to Allah for protecting the music, in this case my voice.  Aaaa! I made the eggs, but I forgot to put it in my "chicken and egg" sandwiches!  **sniffle**

What's causing this weather distortion anyway?  Of course Allah controls the weather, by changing conditions on the earth to affect the state of the atmosphere.  Volcanic eruptions, meteors, earthquakes, etc.  Oh yeah, God created humans as well: pollution, bombs, depletion of natural resources, etc.  The intense cannonade of World War One caused the freezing swamp that was France.  Could it be that the spin of the earth on its axis is changing direction oh so slightly?  Right now prayer times are still the same and synchronized with the sun, as far as I can see.  But when the spin changes direction, of course there will be weather distortion.  Even oh so slightly.  We're all so so fragile.  But why would the spin of the earth on its axis change direction?  Come on humans, guess!

Whoops, I'm rambling.  I'll shut up now.  **sniffle**  I going to lay my bed down now, and relax.  Play "Lair Defense".  I have the feeling that travel is going to be very hard on me now that my voice has advanced: I've become a super sensitive chick singer diva.  Good thing I'm a "Man in a Box".  When we are married, please don't force travel on me.  Please?  I love you, and I need you.